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I write historical fiction. My debut novel, "The Sister Queens" (a tale of Marguerite & Eleanor of Provence who became the queens of France and England), is available from New American Library (NAL)

Currently reading

The Serpent and the Pearl
Kate Quinn
Letters from Skye
Jessica Brockmole
The Chalice
Nancy Bilyeau
Shadow of the Swords: An Epic Novel of the Crusades
Kamran Pasha

from my next novel, Medicis Daughter, which releases Dec 1, 2015

Lady of the Eternal City (The Empress of Rome Book 4) - Kate Quinn

I was fortunate enough to read an advanced copy of Quinn's latest (and last in her Roman series) novel. WOW it knocked my socks off.  Stretched my emotions to the breaking point and actually managed to make me care about Emperor Hadrian, who let's face it is not the most sympathetic guy.  Did not want this book to end.  Do not miss it.